Faculty Research (featured publications)

Tung Bui

  1. Amblee and Bui, Harnessing the influence of social proof in online shopping: The effect of electronic word of mouth on sales of digital micro products, International Journal of Electronic Commerce, Vol 16, No. 2.
  2. Bui, Hempsch and Sebastian, Solving the order promising impasse using multi-criteria decision analysis and negotiation, Logistics Research, 2012
  3. Bui, Dolk, Gachet and Sebastian, Virtual Environments for computational and analytical modeling: A telemedicine application, book chapter, in Dolk and Granat, Modeling for Decision Support in network-based services, Springer, 2012
  4. Subba and Bui, Self-coordinated defense mechanism against cyber-hate: An analysis of postings related to the 2012 Haiti earthquake on Facebook,HICSS Proceedings, 2012.
  5. Chea, Bui and Luo, Revitalizing the P's of e-marketing with customer experience management, HICSS Proceedings, 2012.
  6. Sebastian and Bui, The role of health-IT affordances on relational coordination: a case study at an intensive care unit, IFIP WG7.6 Advanced Analytics, 2012

Hong-Mei Chen

  1. Chen, H-M, Schütz, R., Kazman, R., and Matthes, F.  “How Lufthansa Capitalizes on Big Data for Business Model Renovation,” MIS Quarterly Executive,   March 2017  (16:1).
  2. Hong-Mei Chen, Rick Kazman, and Serge Haziyev.  “Agile Big Data Analytics for Web-based Systems:  An Architecture-centric Approach,” IEEE Transaction on Big Data,  in preprint, April 2016.
  3. Hong-Mei Chen, Rick Kazman, and Serge Haziyev. “Strategic Prototyping for Developing Big Data Systems,” IEEE Software, March, 2016.
  4. Hong-Mei Chen, Rick Kazman, and Opal Perry. "From Software Architecture Analysis to Service Engineering: An Empirical Study of Methodology Development for Enterprise SOA Implementation." IEEE Transaction on Services Computing, April-June 2010 (vol. 3 no. 2), pp. 145-160.
  5. Hong-Mei Chen and Stephen L. Vargo, "Service -Oriented Challenges for Design Science: Charting the "E"-volution," Pacific Asian Journal of the Association of Information Systems (PAJAIS), Vol. 2 No. 1, March 2010, pp.1-15.
  6. Kazman, Rick and Chen, Hong-Mei "The Metropolis Model: A New Logic for the Development of Crowdsourced Systems," Communications of the ACM, Volume 52 , Issue 7 (July 2009), pp. 76-84.
  7. Hong-Mei Chen and Stephen L. Vargo. "Toward An Alternate Logic for Electronic Customer Relationship Management." International Journal of Business Environment, vol. 2(2): 116-132, 2008.

Elizabeth Davidson

  1. Higa, C., Davidson, E., and Loos, J. (forthcoming). Integrating Family and Friend Support, Information Technology, and Diabetes Education in Community-Centric Diabetes Self-Management. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association.
  2. Abhari, K., Davidson, E., and Xiao, B. (2020). Modeling Social Product Development Process, Technology and Governance, IEEE Transactions on Engineering Management. doi: 10.1109/TEM.2020.2973234.
  3. Wessel, L., Davidson, E., et al (2019). Configuration in Smart Service Systems: A Practice-Based Inquiry. Information Systems Journal. 29(6): 1256-1292.
  4. Davidson, E., Baird, A., and Prince, K. (2018). Opening the envelope of health care information systems research. Information and Organization. 28(3): 140-151.
  5. Baird, A., Davidson, E. & Mathiasson, L. (2017). Reflective Technology Assimilation: Facilitating Electronic Health Record Assimilation in Small Physician Practices, Journal of MIS, 34(3): 664-694.
  6. Young, B., Mathiassen, L. & Davidson, E. (2016). Inconsistent and Incongruent Frames during IT-enabled Change: An Action Research into Sales Process Innovation. Journal of the Association of Information Systems, 17(7), p. 555-580.
  7. Barrett, M., Davidson, E., Prabhu, J. & Vargo, S. (2015). Service Innovation in the Digital Age: Key Contributions and Future Directions. MIS Quarterly. 39(1). P. 1-20.

Rick Kazman

  1. L. Bass, P. Clements, R. Kazman, Software Architecture in Practice, 4th ed. Addison-Wesley, 2021 (forthcoming), (3rd ed., 2012, 2nd ed., 2003, 1st ed., 1998).
  2. N. Ernst, J. Delange, R. Kazman, Technical Debt in Practice – A Practitioner’s Perspective, MIT Press, 2021 (forthcoming).
  3. C. Abid, M. Kessentini, V. Alizadeh, M. Dhaouadi, R. Kazman “How Does Refactoring Impact Security When Improving Quality? A Security-Aware Refactoring Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, to appear, 2020.
  4. M. Kessentini, S. Rebai, A. Amich, S. Molaei, R. Kazman, “Multi-Objective Code Reviewer Recommendations: Balancing Expertise, Availability and Collaborations”, Automated Software Engineering, to appear, 2020.
  5. R. Mo, Y. Cai, R. Kazman, L. Xiao, Q. Feng “Architecture Anti-patterns: Automatically Detectable Violations of Design Principles”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, April, 2019.
  6. D. Tamburri, F. Palomba, R. Kazman, “Exploring Community Smells in Open-Source: An Automated Approach”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, February, 2019.
  7. Y. Cai, L. Xiao, R. Kazman, R. Mo, Q. Feng, “Design Rule Spaces: A New Model for Representing and Analyzing Software Architecture”, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, January, 2018.

Randall Minas, Jr.

  1. Moravec, P. M., Minas, R.K., & Dennis, A.R. (In Press). Fake News on Social Media: People Believe What They Want to Believe When it Makes No Sense at All. MIS Quarterly.
  2. Dennis, A.R. & Minas, R.K. (2019). Visual Background Music: Creativity Support Systems with Priming. Journal of Management Information Systems 36(1), 230-258.
  3. Minas, R.K., Dennis, A.R., Potter, R.F., & Kamhawi, R. (2018). Triggering insight: Using neuroscience to understand how priming changes individual cognition during electronic brainstorming. Decision Sciences 49(5), 788-826.
  4. Dennis, A.R. & Minas, R.K. (2018). Security on Autopilot: Why Current Security Theories Hijack our Thinking and Lead Us Astray. The DATA BASE for Advances in Information Systems 49(1), 15-38. 
  5. Minas, R.K., Potter, R.F., Dennis, A.R., Bartelt, V., & Bae, S. (2014). Putting on the thinking cap: Using NeuroIS to understand information processing in virtual teams. Journal of Management Information Systems 30(4), 49-82.
  6. Dennis, A.R., Minas, R.K., & Bhagwatwar, A. (2013). Sparking creativity: Improving electronic brainstorming with individual cognitive priming, Journal of Management Information Systems 29(4), 195-216.

Daniel Port

  1. Taber, Port, "Actionable Analytics for Strategic Maintenance of Critical Software: An Industry Experience Report”, IEEE Software, 35(1): 58-63 (2018)
  2. Hill, Emily, Philip M. Johnson, and Daniel Port. "Is an Athletic Approach the Future of Software Engineering Education?" IEEE Software 33.1 (2016): 97-100.
  3. Choi, Eunjong Tanaka, Daiki Yoshida, Norihiro Fujiwara, Kenji Port, Daniel and Iida, Hajimu “An Investigation of the Relationship Between Extract Method and Change Metrics: A Case Study of JEdit”. APSEC 2018
  4. Port, Dan, and Taber, William. “An Empirical Study of Process Policies and Measures to Manage Productivity and Quality for Maintenance of Critical Software Systems at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory”. Proceedings of the 12th ACM/IEEE International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement. ACM, 2018.
  5. Port, Dan, and Wilf, Joel. “Classifying Risk Uncertainty for Decision Making”. Proceedings of the 52th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences. 2018.

Bo (Sophie) Xiao

  1. Chan, T. K., Cheung, C. M., Benbasat, I., Xiao, B., & Lee, Z. W. (2022). Bystanders Join In Cyberbullying on Social Networking Sites: The Deindividuation and Moral Disengagement Perspectives. Information Systems Research, 34(3), 828-846..
  2. Abhari, K., Davidson, E., & Xiao, B. (2022). Inventing Together: The Role of Actor Goals and Platform Affordances in Open Innovation. Journal of the Association for Information Systems, (23:1), 264-302.
  3. Liu, X., Hu, M., Xiao, B. S., & Shao, J. (2022). Is my doctor around me? Investigating the impact of doctors’ presence on patients’ review behaviors on an online health platform. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology, 73(9), 1279-1296.
  4. Wong, Y.M., Cheung, M.K., Xiao, B., & Thatcher, J. (2021). Standing Up or Standing By: Understanding Bystanders’ Proactive Reporting Responses to Online Harassment. Information Systems Research, (32:2), 561-581.
  5. Chen, Y., Aljafari, R., Xiao, B., & Venkatesh, V. (2021). Empowering physicians with health information technology: An empirical investigation in Chinese hospitals. Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, (28:5), 915-922.
  6. Wong, Y.M., Cheung, M.K., Xiao, B., & Thatcher, J. (2020). Standing Up or Standing By: Understanding Bystanders’ Proactive Reporting Responses to Online Harassment. Information Systems Research, forthcoming.
  7. Abhari, K., Davidson, E., & Xiao, B. (2019). Collaborative Innovation in the Sharing Economy: Profiling Social Product Development Actors through Classification Modeling. Internet Research, (29:5), 1014-1039.
  8. Abhari, K., Davidson, E., & Xiao, B. (2019). Experience First: Investigating Co-creation Experience in Social Product Development Networks. AIS Transactions on Human-Computer Interaction, (11:1), 1-32.
  9. Xiao, B. & Benbasat, I. (2018). An Empirical Examination of the Influence of Biased Personalized Product Recommendations on Consumers' Decision Making Outcomes. Decision Support Systems, (110), 46-57.
  10. Liu, F., Xiao, B., Tan, C.W., and Lim, E. (2017). The Art of Appeal in Electronic Commerce: Understanding the Impact of Product and Website Quality on Online Purchases. Internet Research, (27:4), 752-771.
  11. Choi, B., Jiang, J., Xiao, B., & Kim, S. (2015). Embarrassing Exposures in Online Social Networks: Relationship Bonding and Privacy Invasion. Information Systems Research, (26:4), 675-694.
  12. Xiao, B. & Benbasat, I. (2015). Designing Warning Messages for Detecting Biased Online Product Recommendations: An Empirical Investigation. Information Systems Research,(26:4), 793-811.